CEU Library, Central European University

News Guide: Current News

Remote Access

Are you off-campus? Most of these resources require use of the CEU VPN for full access.

Higher Education News and Book Reviews

Chronicle of Higher Education
- 1967 -present.

Jewish Review of Books - 2010 - present.

London Review of Books - 1979 - present.

New York Review of Books - 1963 - present.

Times Higher Education - 1994 - present. Register using your CEU email address ending @ceu.edu.

Times Literary Supplement (TLS) -  2012 - present.


For questions about this News Guide, contact Katalin Marton, martonk@ceu.edu

News sources

- 1998 - present. SSO authentication, you do not need the CEU VPN. Click "Log in" at the top right hand corner. Then enter your CEU email address in the email address field. Once you have entered your email address, the SSO authentication process will start automatically

Financial Times - 2004  - present. Users must first activate their pass using their ceu.edu address, then they can access from anywhere, including via the app.

Local, The - The aim of this newsletter is to provide you with all the news and essential information you need about Austria. Users must register for an account semi-annually at the landing page linked to the publisher's site using their ceu.edu email address.

Middle East Report - 1979 - present.

Monde, Le - Le Monde.fr + English version. The last 30 newspapers in digital version online and Le Monde's rolling archives: keyword search for one year back. Access at the Vienna campus and CEU VPN only.

New York Times  - 1851 -present. To access the Library’s subscription to the NYT, Activate your Pass while on the Vienna campus or via VPN, write CEU Library in the text box, and opt for CEU Library.  When you have created your account, you have access from anywhere. You can also download your free NYT apps for unlimited access from your mobile devices.

Süddeutsche Zeitung Archiv: LibraryNet - 1992-present

Washington Post -  2006 - present

The World Today - 2007- present

Current News Database Subscriptions

Business Source Complete
- full text of over 3,000 business magazines, scholarly journals, and trade and news publications.

Nexis Uni (previously Lexis Nexis Academic) - full-text of many major national and regional newspapers. Video tutorial about searching in Nexis Uni.

PressReader - Current editions of 7000 international newspapers and magazines from 80+ countries in 39 languages in full-color, full-page format. Current three months only.

Search CEU's Holdings

To check if CEU has access to a newspaper, magazine, or journal search by title in E-Journals.

Specialized News Sites

Current Digest of the Russian Press
- A selection of Russian-language press materials, translated into English.  From 1949 to present.

EU Law Live - News, Analyses and Op-Eds covering the latest developments  related to EU Law.

Regional Business News - regional U.S. and Canadian business publications.

Westlaw Next - International Materials - comprehensive collection of news and business information and law-related resources.

Newspaper Archives

Economist Historical Archive
  - 1843 - 2015.

Google Newspaper Archive - some of the newspapers date back to 18th century.

Times Digital Archive -  1785 - 2014.

CEU Library, Budapest, Vienna
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