Search Activity Page
If you would like to see a history of the pages you've visited, choose "Your data in Search" in the Settings Menu.

This will bring you to your "Search History" Page in Google. You (and Google) are the only ones who can view this page. It's useful for finding sites you've visited but can't remember.

If you don't want Google to keep a record of the sites you visit, you can delete individual items or all of your search history. You can also turn off the saving of your future activity.

To find the page where you can control the tracking of your activity, look in the left sidebar and select "Controls."

There you can click the button to turn off the saving of your history for websites and apps.

On that same screen, click "manage all web & app activity" to find more options for turning off the saving of your activity in other Google properties, like Google Books, Google Lens, Google Maps, and more.
Refer to Google's help pages to learn how to delete activity automatically, delete all of your past activity, and how to stop saving your history in the future.