You can create a profile with a list of publications in Google Scholar and thus improve your visibility in Google. You must have (or create) a Google account in order to create a Google Scholar profile.
2. Your profile page at the CEU Research Portal
Your profile appears with a URL in this format: firstname_lastname
From your profile page link to other websites like Google Scholar, X, Research Gate, personal website,...
Instructions on adding links to your profile page are available in a CEU Library Libguide.
Your profile appears with a URL in this format:
From your profile, link to websites with your ORCID iD, your Researcher ID, or any other sites where you have a profile (such as YouTube, Google Scholar, or Twitter). Here's an example: Andrea Peto.
4. Your personal website
If you have a personal web presence, it is beneficial if it is clearly structured. Create readable URLs. Provide linked DOIs or other direct links to your scholarly work.
5. Social Networks
There are several social networks for academics. The most famous ones are ResearchGate and The CEU Library doesn't recommend these, for several reasons. They don't provide all services for free, and they have been criticized for extensive email marketing and possible copyright violations.
Instead, we recommend using other popular social networks, like X (formerly known as Twitter), LinkedIn, or YouTube. Many scholars find these useful. And some scholars publish their own podcasts.
Learn more about social media use by academics:
Mendeley is a reference manager owned by the scientific publisher Elsevier. It is possible to create a profile and to get in touch with other scholars. The saved references are counted and appear in Altmetrics data. Please note that free storage space is limited. CEU does not have an institutional account which enables more services.