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CEU Library, Central European University

Manage your research profile in Pure

This guide will assist you on adding and enriching your publications in Pure

Add publications

Pure automatically imports publication data from various sources (Scopus, Web of Science, MTMT, K 10 plus, ORCID, etc.). Automated publication imports occur continually.

If you are new to Pure, please review what's currently included in your Pure profile and identify any information that may be absent.

Apart from publications, various other research outputs like presentations, memberships, awards, project involvement, and more can be incorporated. These contributions must be added manually.

Publication data can be added to Pure in three different ways:

  • Manually by filling out a template
  • Importing information from a file
  • Importing information from an external source

Please check the left-hand side menu for instructions on how to add data for the most common publication types.


Missing publications may still be registered in Pure.

Check out how to find and claim publications in Pure.



CEU Library, Budapest, Vienna
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